
Entering Form 1099B: Proceeds from Stock Exchange

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These are the steps on how to enter Form 1099-B.
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A. How to add Form 8949 to the software

1. Under the Tax Returns tab, locate the "+" icon at the upper left portion.

2. Then type in the '8949' form in the search bar and click the appropriate form you want to open.
     (For the example below, click 8949 Pg 1

 3. In 8949 Form, you'll see that all cells are 'green,' meaning they are all calculated. So to input into the cells,           you need to link it. 

B. How to link to another form (US Schedule D Worksheet)

1.  To link, click the gray arrow, then click 'link to another form.'

2.  Next, click the 'New' tab, and finally, click the 'Capital Gain Worksheet' which is the US Schedule D        Worksheet. (Refer to process flow below) 

C. How to fill up US Schedule D: Capital Gain or Loss Transactions Worksheet

(For the instructions below, refer to this sample Form)

1.  In Form 1099-B, look into the 'Summary' table.

2.  So for the letter 'A,' enter the description of the property (for example, Robinhood stock)

3.  For letter 'A1' or the 1099 column, refer to the 1099-B form; you'll see in the summary that it is short-term             and A (basis reported to the IRS), so in this case, it's letter A.

4.  For A2 or TSJ column, input the appropriate letter.
             T- taxpayer
             S- spouse
             J - joint

 5. For letter D or the sales price, refer to the 'Proceeds' column in Form 1099-B.

 6. For letter E, refer to Cost Basis in Form 1099-B

 7. For letter F, refer to Form 1099-B. For this case, W is for the Wash code.

Important Reminder: Ensure all the details are correct, especially the number values. You need to input all the numbers and let the software do the rounding.