
Entering Form Schedule C

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These are the steps on how to enter the Expenses in Sch C

A. Entering Expenses Sch C Page 1

  1. In Form Sch C Pg 1, you can enter the expenses in Part II. You will see a list of deductible expenses. These are called write-offs.

  2. From #7-#26, you can enter the expenses that are necessary to input. Take note that you can't enter a number with powers of ten, for example, 2000, 100, and 200—instead, 2133, 122, 215.

    (Note: For Utilities, it should be just 20% of the entire bill.)

  3. For #32, choose 'All investment is at risk.'

B. Entering Expenses Sch C Page 2

  • Click 'Sch C Pg 2' to open the form. 
  • Under Part IV, you can enter information on your vehicle. Enter the total number of business, commuting, and other miles driven. Enter the details in #43 and #44
  • For #45-47, answer the questions accordingly if it's either a Yes or a No.

  • For Part V: Other Expenses, you can enter other expenses that are not listed. Like, Cell Phone, Uniforms, and Start-Up Costs.